Giggleswick: 01729 822248 / Hellifield: 01729 850215 / Long Preston: 01729 840377
Long Preston Starlings

We are Starlings Class!

Starlings includes Year 2 and 3 with Miss Walmsley, Mrs Coulthard, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Mercer.

Starlings are intelligent and strong, as well as colourful and creative birds that love to sparkle, just like the children in our class!

We enjoy learning creatively and practically through subjects, developing our skills as we go.  Starlings like taking part in discussions as a whole class, sharing ideas in groups and thriving independently.

In our class, we enjoy outside activities, welcoming visitors and working with other classes, other schools in our Federation, other schools in Craven and our partner school in India.

While our individual aims are to be great scientists, writers, sports people, leaders… we all strive to become caring, kind and thoughtful global learners, who want to have a positive impact on the world.

Please read our class newsletters!